Kekuatan Genggam pada Lansia WanitaAktif dan Tidak Aktif Berolahraga
Exercise is one of the factors determining handgrip strengt Lower handrip is an indiactor for lower BodyMass Index (BMI). The aim of this study is to compared differences in strength between active and inderly women.This was a cross-sectional study of 26 elderly active women (spent≥30 minutes and less than five times a week for exercise). Subject were chosen through purpose sampling. Handgrip strength wsas measured with handgrip dynamometer. Questionnaire was used for measuring exercise activity. BMI value were obtained from body weight was measurement with digital scale and height measurement with microtoise. Data on energy and protein intake were obtained from food frequency semi fregnancy semi quantitative (FFSQ). Data analysed were using Kolmograv-Smirnov, independent t-test, and anocova. Most of active elederly woamn (69,2%) had hanfrip dynamometer. Questionnaire was used for measurement with microtoise. Data on energy and protein intake were obatine from food frequency semi quantitative questionnaire ((FFSQ). Data analyzed were using Kolomogorov-Smirnav, independent t-test, and anacova. Most of active elderly woman (69.2%) had handrip strength in sifficient catogery. There were significant differences of handrip strength between the active and inactive elderly woman (p=0.00) and after controlled by BMI, energy and protein intake per day (p=0.005). Routine exercise should be recommended to elderly for better handgrip strength
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