Berbagai Kontresepsi Ekstrak Daun Serai Wangi dan Daun Mimba terhadap Kematian Larva Aedes Aegypti
Several concentration of serai wangi leaf extract (Cymbopongan nardus L) and mimba (Azadirac(a indica a juss L) and the death of Aedes aegypti larvae
Background: Infection diseases spread through Aedes aegypti is still high in Indonesia. Herballarvacide was essential1y developed to kill Aedes aegypti larva. Serai wangit leaf extract contains aldehid. geroniol and citronelol. Mimba 'e~f extract contains azadirachitin. The aim of the study is to analyze the influenced several concentration of extract to kill the larvae.
Method: A randomized post test only control group design was done, on 900 tails, 25 per tube of Aedes aegypti 82P2VRP Salatiga isolated. which was taken by random sampling. Extract of serai wangi and mimba leafwith any concentration. were takenfrom Balci Penelitian Tanaman Obat (BPTO) Tawangmangu.
Result: One hundred percent larvae died in serai wangi extract at 60% level concentration with LC:;(! in 25.82% concentration and Le}f) in 39.52% while for mimba extract 100% larvae died in 80% concentration with LC:;(} in 37.20% concentration and LC90 in 55.27%. There was significant difference in the death of Aedes aegypti larvae in various concentrations.
Conclusion: Serai fragrant extract has better killing effect than mimba extract.
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