Derajat Sindroma Distres Respirasi pada Foto Thorax dan Derajat Asfiksia pada Neonatus Prematur
The degrees of respiratory distress syndrome from thorax X-ray and degrees of asphyxia in preterm neonates
Background: Respiration Distress Syndrome (ROS) is a complication of prematurity lung disorder and common causes of premature neonatal morbidity. Clinically ROS provides signs of asphyxia that can be assessed with APGAR score. C!t?st X-ray can also diagnose and determine the degree oJ RDS radiologically. This study aims to find the relationship degree oJ'kDS clinically with radiologically.
Met/rods: Analytic observational study with cross-sectional design. The subjects were premature neonates with asphyxia in Kariadi General Hospital Semarang who had APGAR score and RDS on the standard Chest x-ray examination and selected using consecutive sampling method. The relationship between the RDS clinical degree based on A PGA R score with radiological degrees tested with the Chi square test (Xl) and Kendall fau-b. There were four grading for RDS Chest x-ray images were interpretated by 2 expert radiologists independently and then Kappa value was evaluated.
Results: There were 23 RDS cases consisted J 2 severe. 8 moderate and 3 mild asphyxia cases. Rodiologicatly showed grade 1(9). grade 11 (5), grade III (5) and grade IV (4) neonates. Kappa value=l (p
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