0.05). " />
Pengaruh Vitamin C terhadap Efek Paparan Asap Rokok pada Kondrosit Tulang Rawan Trake Tikus Putih
Each suction cigarette smoke contains free radicals 1015 and a substance that can tngger the formation 0/ free radicals in the lung tissue. Tracheal cartilage is part 0/ the respiratory system: Tracheal cartilage damage can be detected from the cell Ieondrosit elements. Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant has been ShOl1Jf1 to neutralize the effects of free radicals in the alveoli and the trachea pithelium. The purpose of this study 10 see if there are cbanges kondrosit tracheal cartilage from free radicals, and whether these changes can be reduced I?J vitamin C. Research carried oet expen"mentalfy Jry using post test onlY control group design. Animal were divided into six groups, each consisting of three while rats lVistar males, adult weighing 200 to 300 grams. Treatment was conducted over 6 months and the animal becotlling divided six groups. Group 1 did not dipapr cigarette smoke, and were not gitJtin vitamin C, the group exposed to cigarette smoke 2-6 sticks 1 every day for six months while the other group exposed to smoke 3-6 cigarettes are also given vitamin C with different doses of 0.05, 0 , 10, 0.20 and 0.40 mg I g BW I day. Cigarette smoke exposure using a pump smoking while giving vitamin C using the sonde to mice stomach. Rot trachea taken a third of the middle, making preparations for HE. In HE preparations observed kondrosit quality paint that is the nature of the cytoplasm and IlUdellS, the diameter leondrosit and the ratio of cells: nuclells.
Tbe results of this stucfy indicate that the increase and decrease DSK RSI is not statistical significant (p> 0.05).
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