Pengaruh Pemberian Congestive Support terhadap Koping pada Pasien Congestive Heart Failure di RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya
Fact exist in patient congestive heart failure show maladaptive coping like difficulty maintain rorygenize adequate, so that tend to Jumpy and worry because difficult breathe. Its expectation after gift of cognitive support (information) of patient congestive heart failure show coping which adaptilIC so that quicken healing process. Target research to identify coping, and anaIYze influence of gift of cognitive support (l•l1jomJation) 10 coping pati'm! congestive heart failure.
Research duign used is pro-experiment (one group pre test - post test design) i?Y sample patient congestive heart failure in space cardiology R5U Dr Soetomo Jurab'!Yo as much 23 responder. The tebnit of sample use consecutive 0/ sampling qy IIsing statistical wilcoxon signed ranks test with stony leve/ of significant p < 0.05.
The resnlt of research obtained it mean for pre test 19.96 and post test 55.74. Its meaning at pre test coping yielded maladaptive (with assessment 1 - 30), whik coping at post test yielded adaptive (with assessment 31 - 60). At wilcoxon signed ranks test p = 0.000 (p < 0.05) and Z = 4.210", of hence Ho refused Its meaning there is itif/uence of gift cognitive support (information) to coping patient congestive heart failure.
It can be concluded there are irifluence lJJhich signiJicant at gift information to coping patient congestive heart failure. And as suggestion that inforll/ation gift which adequate will be formed coping which adaptive so that Can quicken healing.
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