Correlation Between the Students Scorein Entrance Test and Students Academic Grade Point at Medicinal Faculty of Muhammadiyah University of Malang
Problem Based Learning (PBL) has been 'be learning method in wbich students are given problem initiaID•,Jollowed l?J the process cif infor71lation seeking done as student-cm/end activity. By PBL, students knOJvledge retention is expected to be bightr find to applY the knowkdge for ev(liu(/ting and orglmiz.jng patients in clinic as well (IS developing medical science. The data of Graduate Medicat Students at UMM (4 yetlrs gntdllfltes) pe/iod 2001-2003 !(Sing comentional learning method / silo/eel based show the graduate purenlage 24,3 - 25,7 %. Wbereas, 011 even semester period 2007/2008 IIsing problem based leaming, the students' GPA lower than 2,75 is 74,5%, and that betneen 2,16- 3,49 is 24,5%, and the higher than 3,5 is 0%. Based on the data, the student's GPA at FK UM1\1 is mostlY below 2,75. 10 enhance their GPA, the medica/ jam/!) needs better input. The ofdective of the research is to identify the correlation between the students scores in entrance test "lid students Gl?A at FK-Uj\1lvt. The researtb design is tmtdi!}c desctiptive research flsing cross-sectional approacb. The S/(ijfcts 0/ research are students 0/ FK-UlvlJ\-[ period 2008/2009. Te primary data tire obtained from entrance ten-t (sdolastic test), test-2 (math, biokgy, pbysics aud cbemistry}; National Exalll Score / certificate and semester GPA. Tbe data ana!ysis uses Speamlan's Product Correlation. The finding SIIOIPS that test-t, tcst-Z find National Exam Score do not have tll!J' significant correlation witb tbe students GPA at FK-UMM.
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