Penurunan Respon Imun pada Ayam Broiler yang Terpapar Heat Stress Kronis dan Divaksinasi Newcastle Disease
The aim of this study was to know the immune respon of chronic heat stress exposed broiler chicken and vaccinated with ND vaccine. This research was conducted over three months. DOC animals used were as many as 32 male Cobb strain. DOC are adapted lor 14 days. After the age 01 14 days, broilers were divided randomly into lour treatment groups are:
PO: without stress and without the ND vaccine (SV-), P1: treatment without stress and vaccinated ND (S-V +), P2: treatment with stress and without vaccine ND (S + V-) and P3: the treatment 01 stress and vaccinated with ND (S + V +). Vaccination in the treatment group P1 and P3 performed on 29 day old broiler chickens. HI examinations conducted at age 14 days, 28 days, 42days. The conclusion 01 this research is in the group 01 chickens who got vaccinated ND heat stress and heat stress in the receiving phase is in the resistance or adaptation.
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