Perbandingan Profil Laboratorium antara Dengua Primer dan Sekunder
Oengue Fever (OF) is still a health problem in Indonesia where primary OF usually gives less symptoms then secondary OF. OF give various abnornalities in laboratory test results in Complete Blood Count I CBC (e.g. herno¬concentration, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia), urine examination (e.g. albuminuria), or detect in liver function test (e.g. increase of transaminases enzymes). Oifferentiation between primary OF and Secondary OF can be made by measuring of Ig G and Ig M level in patients' blood spesimen with Immunochromatography Dengue Fever Rapid Test (ICT-OFRT).
To compare and observe the differences of laboratory profile in primary OF and secondary OF.
Retrospective study was conducted using medical records from some hospital in Malang during periods of January 2006 until June 2009. Primary OF and secondary OF was distinguished using Ig G & Ig M with ICT-OFRT . Secondary OF was divided into group I: positive Ig G and Ig M, and group 11: positive Ig G but negative in Ig M, while primary OF (group Ill) was derived from positive IgM only. CBC was conducted using hematology autoanalyzers, urine examination was conducted using dipsticks test & clinical chemistry parameters was conducted using clinical chemistry autoanalyzers. Results were analyzed using student t test & ANOVA using SPSS 11 with degree of confidence p < 0,05.
Laboratory test results shows a significant differences between group I, 11, III in hemoglobin level, pack cell volume I PCV I hematocrite, thrombocytes count, monocytes percentage, erythrocytes sedimentation rates, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transferases (AST) and albuminuria (p
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