Status Gizi dan Status Iodium pada Balita dengan Suspect Down Syndrome
Backgroulld:Nutritional status is one ofthe factor that determines the human resources and quality of life. Toddlers are one ofvulnerable groups/or nutritional problems. One 0/ the nutrition problem in Indonesia is iodine deficiency disorder. Clinical manifestations are not only endemic go iter and cretins, but also abortion, stillbirth, and congenital abnormalities. Congenital abnormalities are commonly found in areas ofendemic iodine deficiency disorder such as Down Syndrome.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the iodine nutrition status 0/ children under five with Down Syndrome Suspect in endemic areas ofiodine deficiency disorder.
Method: This research is descriptive study with cross sectional design. The study was conducted in Magelang district, which is endemic iodine deficiency disorder. Total sample 0/30 under five years old with Down Syndrome Suspect.
Result: The result showed that the nutritional status 0/ respondents based on the weight/age index was 50% had good nutritional status. According to height/age index as much as 70% are short and velY short. Based on weight/height index was 73,3% with normal nutritional status. At least 33% 0/ children with Down Syndrome Suspect accompanied hypothyroidism.
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