Tingkat Pengetahuan Gaky Penanganan Garam Beryodium Oleh Ibu Rumah Tangga di Desa Belah, Kecamatan Bonorojo, Kabupaten Pacitan
Background: 1DD would be serious health problem; concerning the impact was very big towards alive continuance and quality of human resource. 1DD can cause go iter with various level (stage of a disease), cretinism, and sense of hearing disturbance, growth faltering in children and adult, stillborn, baby death and mental retardation. Lack of Erudition and wrong handling about 1DD in iodized salt can cause insufficient iodine and iodine nutrient deficiencies.
Objectives: To investigated level o[lDD knowledge with iodized salt handling by housewife at Belah Village, Donorojo District, Pacitan Regency.
Method: Observational Research with cross sectional. This study conducted in Belah village, Donorojo District, Pacitan Regency. Research was done in Mei-August 2009. Samples were 198 household. The data was collected by quesioner of1DD knowledge, iodized salt quality, and manner keeps iodized salt, manner uses iodized salt. Data Analyze descriptively and analytic use test Chi- Square.
Result: The knowlwdge level of1DD of mother was high (55,1%), iodized salt quality that was used a large part good (92,9%), manner keeps iodized salt a large part stills wrong (73,7%), manner uses iodized salt a large part stills wrong (73,2%), there relationship between knowledge level of 1DD with manner keeps and uses iodized salt, there is no relationship between knowledge level of/DD with iodized salt quality.
Conclusion: The research of 1DD result is got there is relationship between knowlwdge level of 1DD with manner keeps and uses iodized salt and there is no relationship between knowlwdge level of1DD with iodized salt quality.
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