Embryo Quality: The Most Critical Factur for Pregnancy Rates After Day-2, Day-3, and Day-5 of Embryo Transfer
Objective: To determine the most critical factor on day-2, day-3, and day-S of embryo transfer in correlation with pregnancy rates.
Method: This research is a retrospective study in Aster Fertility Clinic, IVF program- Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indo¬nesia. One hundred ninety five women enrolled in an IVF program conducted from March 2006 through November 2009 at the Aster Fertility Clinic. Effect of embryo-transfer day and any other factors (including quality of embryo, oocyte quantity, difficulty of embryo transfer technique, and blood or mucus contamination on the ca¬theter) on pregnancy rate in rVF.
Results: The mean age of the pregnant group was 34.65 (SD = 3.91), and the mean of the infertility period was 7.25 years (SD = 3.54). There were no siginificant differences in pregnancy rates in the day-Z, day-S, and day-S groups. The most critical factor influ-encing pregnancy was the total score for the quality of embryos [p ~ 0.001; OR (Cl 95%) ~ 1.94 (0.91 - 4.08)]. Otherwise, the day of e~bryo transfer, oocyte quantity, and difficulties in embryo transfer did not affect the pregnancy rate (p > 0.05).
. Conclusion: Our study suggests that the total score for the qua-lity of the embryos was the most critical factor for the success rate ~f pregnancy rather than the day of embryo transfer, oocyte quan¬tity, difficulty of embryo transfer technique, or contamination of blood and mucus on the catheter.
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