Distention Media in Hysteroscopy for Diagnostic and Operative Procedure
Objective: Hysteroscopy is the "gold-standard" procedure used to describe the morphology of uterine cavity and the presence of in¬trauterine lesions and it is a minimally invasive intervention that can be used to diagnose and treat many intrauterine and endocervi¬cal problems. Hysteroscopy requires uterine distention for the ef¬fective visualization of the uterine cavity and the clearing of blood and tissue debris. Options for uterine distention include insufflation with carbon dioxide (C02) gas, and instillation with electrolytic and nonelectrolytic liquid distention media. In this review, we would like to review known available distending media and its characteristics for di¬agnostic and operative hysteroscopy.
Method: Literature review.
Conclusion: Carbon dioxide and norrnal saline are the most preferable distention media for diagnostic hysteroscopy. There is no significant difference between these medium in terms of visualiza¬tion quality, but most practitioners prefer to use normal saline be¬cause of it's availability and acceptability, quick performance, fewer additional procedures, more satisfaction rate, and good visu¬alization. Low viscosity fluids are the most preferable media for op¬erative hysteroscopy. Low viscous-electrolytic fluids, mostly nor¬mal saline is recommended in operative cases using mechanical, la¬ser or bipolar energy that requires no electricity. Nonelectrolytic low-viscosity fluids ati most preferable for extensive operative pro¬cedures using electrosurgery. Mannitol are chosen over glycine or sorbitol when using monopolar electrosurgery.
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