Hambatan Perkembangan Anak Balita di Daerah Endemik Gaki
Background: Firstfive years is an important period in child development, because in this period is the golden period that will determine subsequent child development. Children in endemic areas iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) has a risk 0/ iodine deficiency will result in berkurangan IQ points, and disturbing development. Objective: This study aims to obtain constraints 011 the development of children under five endemic iodine deficiency disorder by age group and type of barriers experienced growth.
Method: The study was descriptive research. The population in this study were children underfive who experience barriers to progress in Magelang District, ages 3 to 60 months were divided in J 3 groups according to age development DDTK guidelines.
Conclusion: As many as 46.8% of children under five experiencing barriers to development in less than J 2 months 0/ age, and young children in areas 0/ endemic iodine deficiency disorder average experiencing barriers to development almost evenly on the four aspects of the five aspects of development.
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