The Association Between Initial Solid Food and Atopy in Children with or without Family History of Atopic Disease
Atopic diseases are the most common chronic diseases in childhood. Their incidence has a tendency to increase recently. The tendency of atopy could be triggered by many factors originated in the early life, including early introduction of solid food. To investigate the association between initial solid food and atopy, an analytic comparative study with historical cohort design was conducted from May to June 2006 in Pediatric Department of Hasan Sadikin Hospital 8andung. It was the second phase study of''allergic prevalence and risk factors identification in the first two years of life' . Out of 800 children in Garuda, Padasuka, and Babakansari Primary Health Care Center who were included in the first phase of the study, 749 children were eligible to continue the second phase ofthe study, 284 children were randomized into two groups of children with and without family history of atopic disease consisting of 142 children each. They then underwent skin prick test. History of initiation time of solid food were obtained from their parents. To analyze the data chi-square and odds ratio with 95% confidence interval were used. Among 284 children who fullfilled the inclusion criteria, 50% had family history of atopic disease. Atopy was found in 28.2% children, 32.4% with family history of atopic disease and 23.9% without family history of atopic disease. There was no significant correlation between family history of atopic disease and atopy (p=O.113). There was a high risk for atopy related to initial solid food (OR ~ 4.50, 95%C] ~ 1.96-10.74, P < 0.001). The difference of atopy was strongly significant between children who had initial solid food at the age of 6 months whether or not the children had family history of atopic disease (p~O.O 16 and p~0.002). Conclusions: A significant increase in the risk of childhood atopy occured if initial solid food is given at the age of ~6 months, whether or not the children have family history of atopic disease. [MKB. 201 0;42(1):27-31].
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