Isolation and Antibiotic Sensitivity of Aeromonas From Children with Diarrhea
Aerotnonas species are gram-negative, mot i le, facultative anaerobic, rod shaped, oxidase positive bacteria or the recently assigned family Aeromonadaccae. The significance of Aerolllonas species as causative agent of human diarrhoea has recently been established. The aim of the present study was to investigate the distribution, and antibiotic sensitivity of Aeromunas in nonhospitalized children with diarrhea.One hundred and seventeen rectal swabs from children with diarhhea were eu Itured for isolation of A ercnnonas organisms as the et iologieal agents. In addition to Aerumonas, other enteric pathogens were also isolated. Overall, the isolates of enteric pathogens amounted to 36.8~. consisting of Salmonella, Shigella, Aerolllunas, and Vibrio. Aeroll/ollus was onlv found in 5.1% of cultures, with a ratio of A. cavi ac and A. hvdrophilu or=: I \\hik Salmonella made up the majority of causative organisms with an isoluuou frequency of 18.8%, followed by Shigella with I !.I %. In this study no isolates of Vibrio cholerae 0 I were found as etiological agents ofdiarrhea; however, V cholerae non-O I and V. parahaernolyticus were found in small numbers « I %). All isolates of Aerol1lonas were resistant to ampicillin and tetracycline, but sensitive to ciprofloxacin and ceftriaxone, as were the other enteric pathogens. Although the frequency of isolation of these enteric pathogens was higher than for Vibrio spp., their role in infective diarrhea was less clearcut in comparison with Salmonella and Shigella.
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