Upaya Pencegahan Flu Burung Masyarakat di Kabupaten Tangerang (Community Effort in Avian Influenza Prevention in District of Tangerang)
Avian lnfluenza is still a major health problem in Indonesia. In Tangerang distnct within the period of 2005-2008, 30 suspect cases were found, t 8 confirmed. Sixteen (16) died because of this disease (case fatality rate = 87,5%). The objective of this research was to study prevention measures to¬wards Avian Influenza within the community at Cikupa, Curug, Pasar Kemis and Sepatan sub-dlstrlcts, Tangerang in 2009. A descripfive study was ca• rried out towards community involving the households, teenagers; religious leader, community leader and poultry business as selected respondent.
Information to collect consisted of knowledge about Avian Influenza, per¬sonal hygiene, food sanitation based on bird and environmental sanitation. Total of sample were 320 respondents from each sub-District. Data were taken from secondary data of Bangun Indonesia Foundation as research executor. This research found that more than a half of respondents (62.2%) have good knowledge about AI, (57.1 %) about personal hygiene related to Avian Influenza, 61 % about food sanitation based on bird were good enough (61%). In general environmental sanitation variables were soms, what good except for cage where 51 % still bad. In the effort to prevent Avian Influenza in Cikupa, Curug, Pasar Kemis, and Sepatan communities, Tangerang Disfrict, 2009, one of variables were still poor (57.1%) that was sanitation of bird cages. Avian Influenza cases in Tangerang District is stiH high, due to non supportive people behavior and poor environment sama. tion proven by poor sanitation of bird's nest. Low household income 01 Tangerang district's people, bnnging about them to spend more on base goods rather than Avian Influenza preventive action.
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