Analisis Pemanfaatan Program Pelayanan Kesehatan Status Gizi Balita (An Analysis on the Usage of Health Service Related to Nutritional Status of Under-five Years Old Children)
Nutrition is one of the major determinant factors related to human resources quality. Under-five years old children are susceptible to nutrition and health problems. The purpose of this study is to identify the most dominant factor of nutritional status of under five children using Riskesdas data in 2007. Multivariate analysis results showed that the risk factor which mostlyasso-ciated with nutritional status using weight for age was a diarrheal illness af¬ter being controlled by the source of drinking water, latrine availability, so-
cia-economic status, family size, gender, utilization of health services, res-piratory diseases, maternal employment, and duration of breastfeeding up to 2 years. Using height for age was the availability of latrines after being controlled by hand-washing habits, socioe-conomic status, source of drink¬ing water, duration of breasneecinq up to 2 years, diarrheal disease, family size and gender. Using weight for height was sex after being controlled by age, drinking water sources, distance and time to health services and res¬piratory disease. To overcome malnourished problem in children under five years old, it is needed to establish a policy focusing on the recovery of the growth and health status for under-five children with correlation between nu¬trition program and other programs, such as environmental health (clean and healthy life style) and immunization. Beside that, the government should arrange the role of the posyandu as a facility that help government to in¬crease the health status of community.
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