Mengukur Kualitas Hidup Anak (Measuring Children's Quality of Life)
Quality of life (QoL) is very often to be associated with development, espe-cially, human development, which is linked to condition of someone, either healthy or sick, to show daily physical activities. Some people are thinking lhat QoL is associated with basic needs of someone's life such as clothe,
food, house, and education. For these reasons, there are a lot of quality of life studies using different instruments, including child quality of life. There are also some instruments already developed to measure it. This paper is trying to discuss the meaning of QoL and how to measure it, especially for children. There is no consensus how to measure QoL as conceptual defini-tion. However, researchers agree that it is multidimensional construct and that there are a variety of approaches by which it may be measured. Quality of life is defined as one's overall sense of well-being and includes aspects of happiness and satisfaction with life as a whole, and it is called as sub-jective health status. To measure QoL, included children, either for healthy or specific illness, it can be done by different domains and for each domain consists of different number of items of questions or statements, which will be answered or filled up by either respondent, children, or both of them. Key words: Quality of life, subjective health status, dimensions, items of questions or statements.
Iwan Muhamad Ramdan
Departemen Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Mulawarman
an accurate predictor to predict OHS performance achievement
and p=O.012), and provided effective contribution to OHS performance
big as 20,2 % and 17,3 % as well.
Key word: Self efficacy, locus of control, perception,occupational heal~
safety performance
Menurut International Labour Organization prestasi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) Indonesia berada pad a urutan ke -98 dari 100 negara yang di. survei. Angka kejadian kecelakaan kerja dan penyakii akibat kerja (PAK) yang merupakan indikator prestasi K3 di Indonesia belum baik dan tertinggi ASEAN.t
Keberhasilan prestasi K3 perusahaan ditentukan faktor teknologi, manajemen K3, manusia, legislasi regulasi, serta faktor lingkungan kerja yang bervariae
sesuai jenis industri yang bersangkutan.s+ faktor lain, faktor manusia dianggap paling penting na manusia adalah sumber daya yang tidak dapat tikan oleh teknologi apapun. Hasil penelitian di dan luar negeri telah membuktikan faktor perilaku
ga kerja sebagai penyebab utama terjadinya keceiakaan
kerja dan PAK.5
Dalam organisasi dan olahraga, efikasi diri yang gi telah terbukti dapat memprediksi pencapaian individu. Beberapa penelitian menyimpulkan hubungan efikasi diri dengan prestasi individu
Alamat Korespondensi: lwan Muhamad Ramdan, Deparlemen K3 Universitas Mulawarman, Gd. Perpustakaan Lt. 311. Kuaro Kampus Gn. Samarinda, Hp.08125424118, e-mail: i_oneramdan@Yahoo.co.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah efikasi diri, pusat kendali, dan persepsi tenaga kerja dapat dijadikan prediktor yang akurat untuk memprediksi pencapaian prestasi kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja (K3), serta untuk menguji apakah model pencapaian prestasi K3 yang disusun dengan melibatkan interaksi tenaga kerja dengan lingkungannya cukup tepat. Dengan pendekatan cross sectional, penelitian dilakukan terhadap 200 orang responden pada perusahaan kayu di Kalimantan Timur. Variabel bebas terdiri dari efikasi diri, pusat kendali, dan persepsi tenaga kerja. Variabel tergantung yaitu prestasi K3, sedangkan variabel moderator adalah lingkungan fisik dan kimia kerja. Analisis data menggunakan struc¬tural equation model (SE M). Hasil penelitian menunjukan efikasi diri dan persepsi tenaga kerja berhubungan positif signifikan dengan prestasi K3, merupakan prediktor'yang paling akurat untuk memprediksi pencapaian prestasi K3 (p=O,007 dan p=O,012). Kedua variabel ini memberi sumbangan efektif terhadap prestasi K3 yaitu sebesar 20,2 % dan 17,3 %.
Kata kunci: Efikasi diri, pusat kendali, persepsi, prestasi kesehatan dan ke-selamatan kerja
This research was focused on the relationship between worker's behavior with Occupational Health Safety (OHS) achievemenl.The purposes of the research is to identify whether worker's self-efficacy, locus of control and perception can predict OHS achievement, and to examine whether the OHS model engaging workers and work environment interaction are fit. This re-search was cross sectionally conducted towards 200 respondents in one of plywood plant in West Kalimantan. The independent variable were the work-er's self efficacy, locus of control and perception, while the dependent vari-able was OHS performance. The moderator variables were physical and chemical work environment. Data analysis used structural equation model. Research findings showed that self efficacy and worker perception have sig-nificanUy positive relationship with worker's OHS performance, and could be
Workers Self Efficacy, Locus of Control, and Perception as Predictor of Occupational Health Safety Performance Achievement
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