Perbedaan Konsumsi Energi, Kalsium dan Status Gizi Lansia yang Tinggal di Kota dan yang Tinggal di Desa di Kelurahan Gianjar Kabupaten Gianyar
Abstract. This study aim is to find out the difference ofenergy consumption. calcium, and nutritional status of elderly people living in cities and in villages in the district 0/ Gianyar. The study was a cross sectional observational study using 240 samples, consisting of120 samples and 120 samples in the city in a village in Gianyar Regency Gianyar district. Data was collected consisted of the sample identity data, anthropometric data, nutrient consumption data and general description of the research location. Collecting data such as identity and image of the sample locations were collected by direct interview to the sample. The study showed that there were differences of energy consumption, calcium, iron, and nutritional status of elderly who live in the City and the elderly who live in the vii/age in Gianyar Regency Gianyar
district. ~
Keywords: nutritional status, consumption, elderly
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