Pengaruh Jenis Kontainer dan Sumber Air terhadap Jumlah Jentik Aedes Aegypti Ditinjau dari Aspek Ekonomi
Abstract. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is infectious diseases caused by dengue virus. It is transferred through Aegypti Aedes musquito bite. This disease related to environment. According to the data of the health Bali Provinse 20.0.8, the total cases are 6266 with incident rate (IR) 18.625 per population. CFR 0.,26 %. The increase of the cases is in accordance with the increase of vector density, population and the mobility of population. Denpasar city is still strapping on endemic region predicate because it always occurs every time in a year. This research aim is to know the container and the kind of water resource that is the most favorite to Aegypti aedes musquito to lay The design of this research is to implement intervention to many kinds of containers that is iron container plstic and water jar container; water research that use is P DAM, well and rain water. Each container is fulfilled with many kinds of water resourch so the total containers neededfor of nine containers and placed at the block/location. In this experiment, the nine block/locations placed at the house of citizens that there in positive Aegypti Aedes mosquito larva and spread to the whole populations every ten days offilling water to the containers and the total larvas counted and identified the Aegypti Aedes mosquito. The repetition was done for five times. Every three days, the measurement of pH, humidity, and temprature were collected. The studyfound that 1) in the water jar containerfound larva 29,780., plastic container found 24.592 larvas and iron container 21,585 larvas; 2) For kind of water: rain water found: rain water found 27.177 larvas, well water found 25. 0.64 larvas and PDAM found 23.716. Based on the location block of the highest eight container placement that is 9.558 larvas, and one bloek/ location of the lowest is 6.966 larvas. The study found that there was a significant correlation between type of water container and water source and the location of placement (p
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