Spektrum Albumin sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian Preeklamsia pada Ibu Hamil di RSIA Puri Kota Malang
Abstract: In most developing countries, lout of 16 women die from pregnancy complication. This rate is significant compare to that of developed countries which is I of 5000. It is inevitably, that nutrition intake and mother s nutritional status is associated with mother and embrios health. Analytical ohservasional research using prospective kohort is intended to elaborate the association between albumin spectrum and preeclamsia incidence among pregnant women at RSIA PURl Malang city. The subjects are 20 pregnant women and doing routine examination. The data consist ofsubject character¬istic, protein and energy intake, anthropometric data, a/humin serum level, total protein level, and clinicophysical examination. Data collection is done using interview, observation, and measurement. The results on 20 subjects show that there is a trend that subjects with low energy consumption level! deficit have low albumin serum level although its statistically not significant (p~0,324); there is a significant association between protein consumption level and albumin serum level (.D=0,006) as be¬tween albumin serum level and preeclamsia incidence (p=0,002). Therefore serum albumin examina¬tion among pregnant women can be done by midwife or doctor in order to prevent preeclamsio- inci¬dence. It is recommended that future research will be done about a high protein diet administration and appropriate formula to increase albumin serum level among pregnant women to cure or prevent
preec/amsia. .
Keywords: Albumin spectrum, risk factor, preeclamsia, pregnant women
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