Tingkat Kecemasan Klienkarsinoma yang Akan Dilakukan Radioterapi di Instalasi Radiologi RSS A Malang
Abstrak: The Management of radiotherapy requires a lot of time and cost of treatment was not less, 01'} the client with cancer indirectly affect the psychological anxiety that can cause anxiety to the new clients of cancer who is the first time using radiotherapy treatment. The purpose of the research is to determine the level of anxiety with carcinoma that will be doing Radiotherapy in Radiology installa-tion of RSSA Malang. The research method using the survey sampling techniques with total samples, those are 14 new clients carcinoma will be the first time radiotherapy in Radiology installation of RSSA Malang in September 2009. Data collected using questionnaires with 14 structured questions from the HARS. The results research shows that the level of anxiety with carcinoma of the client will do the installation Radiology Radiotherapy RSSA Malang is 57% (8people) has a mild anxiety level, 14% (2 people) has middle anxiety level, and 29% (4 people) does not have anxiety. It is recommended that the hospital can improve services to lower the anxiety such as theaddition carcinoma client entertainment facilities such as a television lounge, music, magazines and the provision of nursing personnel to perform distraction in order to reduce the level of relaxation that aims anxiety in the cl~nt S recovery effectiveness.
Keywords: Anxiety, Cancer and Radiotherapy.
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