Faktor-faktor yang Berperan terhadap Pemanfaatan dan Pelayanan "UKBM" (Upaya Kesehatan Berbasis Masyarakat) pada Rumah Tangga di Indonesia
UKBM covered Posyandu, Poskesdes and POD/WOD. Posyandu, Poskesdes POD/WOD are organized in village or rural area with the goal to prepare health services. Warung Obat Desa (WOD) based on SK Menkes No. 9831Menkes/V/11/2004 about WOD implementation guide. The objective of the study is assasment about of the influence factorsof Using and the Effort of Health community based services "UKBM" at Houshold in Indonesia.
The study used data from baseline research (Riskesdas 20007), included 241.287 of Houshold. Type of study is secondare data analysis, with a cross sectional design. This study used Chi square methode to determine bivariat association and logistic regression methode to detennine multivariate data analysis.
The Results shown various factors to influence using and the Effort of Health community based services "UKBM" at Household, i.e transportation facility, location, sex, education, and number of person at household. The household was using UKBM (Posyandu, Poskesdes, POD/WOD) amount of 42.7% and the household is not using UKBM amount of 57. 3%. The dominant factor related with using and the Effort of Health community based services "UKBM" at Houshold is transportation facility (OR adjusted= 1.319). It is nedded more attention from the government to provide transportation facility for community in the rural area.
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