Inovasi Implementasi Puskesmas Poned dalam Upaya Akselerasi Penurunan Angka Kematian Ibu dan Bayi di 3 (Tiga) Kabupaten di Jawa Timur
The complication of pregnancy and labor is not always predictable before it was happened, so pregnant woman must have access nearly Basic Emergency Obstetric Services. Puskesmas were hoped to give basic emergency services. Increased the pregnancy woman access to puskesmas will decrease Maternal Mortality Rate and Child Mortality Rate fast. The objective of the research asses the innovation of basic obstetric and neonatal emergency services (PO NED) at the puskesmas and comprehensive obstetric and neonatal emergency services (PONEK) at the hospital. The function of PONED puskesmas and PONEK hospital were influenced by human resource, facility, drugs.
The Research methodology was Descriptive. Location of study was East Java Province (3 Districts were Ngawi, Jombang and Sampang), each district takes 2 puskemas PONED. Unit analytic of this research was puskesmas PONED. The data was analized descriptive.
The Result of research were the number of human resources (medical doctor, midwives and nurse) and location at "the PONED puskesmas" not enough to compare to requirement. Utilization of "PONED Puskesmas'' and "PONEK hospital" were not optimize. District innovation on "PONED Puskesmas" implementation as Decre of regent for obstetrician where obstetrician location at District Health Office, section caesarian at "PONED puskesmas" for drawing near to access,midwife enableness on PONED team at the puskesmas. All this represent the energy up to increase the basic emergency services coverage. The Resistence of implementation especially at coordination and policy supporting implementation.
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