Perbedaan Terjadinya Ruam pada Penggunaan Disposible Diaper dan Popok Kain pada Neonatus
Rash that happened at skin closed by napkin is one of skin disparity at baby skin as result of too long contact between wet napkin or disposible diaper. The usage of napkin and disposlble diaper can cause skin irritation at skin that closed by napkin so the baby has potency to suffer the napkin rash. Disposlble diaper consisted of inner filtering layer; intermediate layer can absorb the dilution and outer layer that waterproof characterize. From this view, disposible diaper is better than napkin because napkin has low capacity to absorb. From explanation above, the researcher had a research about the difference about happening of rash between napkin and disposible diaper at neonatus. The research used comparative study design. The population was neonatus that uSing disposible diaper and neonatus that uSing napkin in Blitar hospital amount 20 respondents each of them. The sampling technique used quota sampling and the instrument was check list. Then data observed, processed, analyzed and to knew the difference about happening of rash between napkin and disposible diaper used Mann Whitney statistical test. The research result got the happening of rash ~ at disposable diaper amount 30% that classified In light (83,3%), medium (16,7%) and heavy (0%). While the happening of rash at napkin amount 10% and classified in light rash (100%). The Mann Whitney statistical test result got p = 0,227 (p ? 0,05) that means there was no difference about happening of rash between napkin and disposibte diaper at neonatus. From that result conclude the happening of rash in disposible diaper amount 30%, in napkin amount 10% and there was no different about that happening of rash in neonatus. From this result, the nurse better to more having attention about treatment and capacity of disposibie diaper and napkin so can minimization the happening of rash.
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