Kecemasan dan Bentuk Penyelesaian Masalah Akibat Dampak Avian Indluenza di Kecamatan Kepanjen Kidul
Axiety is changing of feeling cause by someone's ignorance on health which affected by personal concept, morality environment, behavior, necessary, goal, personal relation ship, and safety, in surviving, some one need and adaptation. There two physiology ways to survive from stressor, they are Task oriented and Ego oriented reaction. Design method of this research IS descriptive explorative with total sampling method. The population are the family of B/itar City kelurahan Bendo Kecamatan Kepanjen Kidul. The analysis tell us that 3 of family member who become responden have hyper contractility of heart and fear With no reason and the other have difficulty to sleep, 7 who have difficulty to sleep blame the chicken owner and other assume that there is nothing wrong and think how to over come. Researcher uses total sampling method. Which will use questionnaire as a research instrument With 61 population. The result of the research from 61 sample stated that 58 % have no anxiety, tight anxiety 39,3 %, no medium anxiety found and heavy anxiety for 9,8 %. The problem solving for anxiety which uses task oriented is 57,4 % and for body mechanism 42,6 %. The result of the result can be known the rating of anxiety and thr causes
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