Karakteristik Ibu Hamil yang Melakukan Kunjungan Awal Kehamilan (K1) di BPS Istoqomah Surabaya
Antenatal Care (ANC) is planned and organized efforts for the observation of pregnant women through inspection, education, early monitoring of maternal complications and diseases that can affect pregnancy. Monitoring is mainly done in early pregnancy because period pertained quite vulnerable to the fetus. Based on initial inspedion time to pregnancy (Kl) is divided into two, namely Kl pure (uk s 12 weeks) and access Kl (ok» 12 weeks). Kl is expected to reach 90% nationally. In September 2009-February 2010 in Surabaya Istiqomah 8PS known from 228 pregnant women who have been doing Kl pure is 50.44%. Factors infiuendng factors such as characteristics include age, education, occupation and parity. Given the importance of pure Kl scope of benefits, the researchers are interested to find the picture characteristics that affect pregnant women Kl pure. Type of this research is description. The population of all pregnant women in the 8PS Istiqomah Kl during three months of 114 pregnant women. Size of sample is 89 pregnant women of uptake by random Sjmpling technique. The colledion of data obtained from the status oftheANC in the months from March to May 2010. The results in terms of each charaderistic are 89 samples obtained from 71 pregnant women (79.78%), predominantly by the age of 20-35th, 72 pregnant women (80.90%), the dominant primary education, 60 pregnant women (67.42 %), the dominant does not work, 51 pregnant women (57.30%) multipara. The characteristic dominant in the implementation of 8PS Istiqomah Kl in Surabaya, either Klpure or Kl is access to healthy reproductive age in terms of age, level of basic education in terms of education, does not work in terms jobs, and in terms 0 parity multiparous. Therefore, researchers expect midwives work together with cadres and conduct home visits.
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