Hubungan Kadar Hemoglobin dengan Hasil Belajar Siswi Kelas 7 Semester Genap T.A; 2009-2010 di SLTPN 32 Surabaya
The high prevalence of iron anemia in adolescent girls, which caused a lack of nutrient intake, the high iron requirement for menstruating and the period of peak growth, can disrupt the body's vitality, powers of concentration and lower academic achievement The objective of this research is to know the relationship between hemoglobin level and study result of the second semester seventh grader. The population in this study is the seventh-grader semester students. Sampling technique with simple random sampling. Data be analyzed by Chi-Square test. The result is there was no correlation between hemoglobin level and study result. This is accordance with the theory that the success of a person in learning not only determined by good condition of health, nutrition intake and concretation, but also causced by several factor. Mastery of the knowledge or skills developed tJy the subjects, usually shown by test scores or the number value assigned by the teacher Is the result of learning, which is influenced by internal factors such as: health, intelligence and talent, interests and motivation and external factors namely: family, school society and the environment.
Keywords: Hb levels, learning outcomes
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