Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Wanita Usia Subur (WUS) tentang Pap Smear
Uterine myoma is a benign tumor from uterine myometrial layer. One of the complaints are caused by uterine myoma is abnormal bleeding which includes hipermenorea and menometroragia. Bleeding can cause many severe anemia because of blood shortages. In Indonesia in 2003, myoma uteri was found from 2.39 to 11.7% in all gynecologic patients. Based on data in 2009 data in Gynecology Ginic Dr. soetomo. from 860 patients with gynecological oatpetients, there were 1S0 patients (33.10%) patients with uterine myoma and 21 % in a state of sertous anemia. The increased incidence of anemia in patients with uterine myoma research is needed to determine the effect of uterine myoma on the incidence of anemia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of uterine myoma on the incidence of anemia. This study is a cross sectional analytic. Location of research at the Polyclinic Hospital Or Gynecology. Soetomo in the months from March to July 2010. Population: all women who suffer from tumors at the clinic of Gynecology, Or Soetomo Hospital. Samples were-taken by simple random sampling. Statistical test results using chi-square test. The results showed there was an effect on the incidence of anemia myoma uten. almost patients with utertne myoma who visit the clinic of Gynecology, Hospital of Dr. Soetomo were anemia. Therefore concluded that there was an effect on the incidence of anemia myoma uteri, it is suggested: the need to increase the lEe to women.
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