Batuk Kronik Berulang pada Anak: Kawan Atau Lawan? Peran Mukolitik dan Ekspetoran
Background Cough was the most common presenting symptom to general practitioners, and persistent cough is one of the most common problems referred to paediatricians and respiratory physicians. Cough in children causes significant anxiety to parents, and use of inappropriate or unnecessary medications for a cough is associated with adverse events. Different approaches have been published in the American and European cough guidelines, and both have limited applicability.
Results The aetiology and management approach for cough in children differs greatly to that in adults, so the empirical approach commonly used in adults is unsuitable for children. Clinical evaluation of cough in children should include an assessment of environmental factors, particularly tobacco smoke, parental concerns and expectations. Most children with acute cough are likely to have an uncomplicated viral acute respiratory tract infection, but the possibility of a more serious problem, especially aspiration of foreign material, should always be c'lflsidered. Isolated chronic cough in children is rarely asthma. Over-the-counter and prescription medications are ineffective for the symptomatic relief of acute cough. Adequately management for cough were based on diagnosis it self and aimed for the etiology
Conclusion Thus coughing may be assumed as a double edge sword, as a friend but who has also potency as a foe. In a certain controlled level, coughing may provide an essential benefit. Even though in a high and uncontrolled level, coughing may be endanger. So we should be wise to handle it.
Keywords: chronic recurrent cough, friend or foe, passive smoker, mucolytic-expectorant
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