Depresi Remaja Hamil di Luar Nikah di Klinik Kebidanan Kimia Farma Denpasar Tahun 2010
Abstract, It's random teenagers pregnancy, specially pregnancy before marriage or pregnancy that's we don't want is the most sexuality problems that's we can find from teenagers. Teenagers whose have pregnant before marriage have seriously psicology effect, look likes felt guilty, depression, angry and agretion. The purpose of this research to know abaut the depression that's girl teenagers whose pregnant before marriage. Research type that used was descriptive research with cross sectional approach. This Research Population was all of teenagers whose pregnant before marriage which control her self to Midwife Clinic Kimia F arma atleast we can find 37 person. Intake Sample was done by consecutive sampling. Result of research showed that's the most teenagers is Depression bigs it's 15 person or 40,59%. Suggested to teenagers 1t needs to pay attention not only politic aspect, but psychology needs to prevent the negative thing to adults.
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