Pengaruh Motivasi Berprestasi, KecerdasanEmosional terhadap Konsentrasi Belajar Mahasiswa DIII Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan Denpasar
Abstract. This research aims to know ifthere is an influence on achievement motivation and emotional intelligence to learning concentration of theflrst semester students ofD-111 Nursing Department, Polytechnic of Health, Department 0/ Health in Denpasar Year
010. Data have been collected by two weeks be/ore the semester's final test with qu . ionnaires giving techniques. They have been analyzed by using regression analysis to look 0 the relationship between achievement motivation (Xl) and emotional intelligence (X2) to learning concentration ()). This research has used an ex-post facto approach with eo-relational method. Samples and populations of the research are the first semester students of D III Nursing Department, Polytechnic 0/ Health, Department of Health up to 59 students. From the results of the research, it has beenfound: J) there w!1s a relationship between Xl and Y with the coefficient value that equal to 0,375; 2) there was relationship betweenX2 and Ywith the coefficient value that equal to 0,376; 3) there was relationship between Xl andX2 by Y with the coefficient value eo-relation (R) that equal to 0,458. These results are according to the same kind of research conducted by Zaelani (2006), with the same variables.
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