Penangan Permasalahan Sampah Ditinjau dari Aspek Sosial Budaya
Abstract. 'Garb ages , lexically means all the things which are non-functional or undesired by the human beings anymore. 'Garbages' include all the things thrown away by the human beings due to being disliked by them, and because a/their non-functional; on the other hand, the 'garb ages r are related to the nagative impact being caused, such as: disgusting . 'eeling, dirty, environmental beauty disturbance, breeding place of disease, water and air p tions and the one being thrown away to the river/low and the drain which can cause clogging. Due to the negative impact, the human beings then do management towards the garbages. The 'garbages' management system the aim apply is in the form 0/ actions pattern. It is due to the availability 0/ social cultural system that they own internally consisting of three basic components, i.e. : supra-ideological structure, social structure, and infra-material structure. The relationships among those three are applied to the human beings actions/or overcoming the 'garbages'.
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