Pengaruh Koneksi Ventilator Melalui Konektor V terhadap Saturasi Oksigen Saat Suction pada Pasien Cedera Kepala di RTI RSUP Sanglah Denpasar
Abstract. The purposes ofthis research were to know the influence of connecting ventilator via Y Connector during suction toward oxygen saturasion of the Patient who had head injury in the RTf (Ruang Terapi Intensif) at Sanglah Hospital. The design of the research is "Quasy Experiment Study" giving oxygen supply and check list in order to evaluating the saturation before and during suction with and without Y connector. The sample was taken by Random Sampling. They are 40 patients, 20 are controller and another as subject. The data were analyzedwith Independent Sample t Test. The result of the study can be described asfollows: the controller group have decrease oxygen saturation during suction are 4 until 6 digit with equalize is 5,500 and the subject group have decrease oxygen saturation are 0 until 2 digit with equalize is 0,850. Result the lest "I analyze" obtained value "t" equal to 21. 63, with the value significant equal to 0,00. There is significant influent Oxygen Supply via Y Connector during suction toward oxygen saturation to give oxygenation on control ventilation in the head injury Patient. So that, suggested to leader of RTf to revise the suction procedure on control ventilation in the head injury Patient.
Keywords: connecting ventilator; suction, oxygen saturation
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