Dukungan Psikologis Keluarga terhadap Kepatuhan Penderita Mengkonsumsi Obat Anti Tuberculosis di Puskesmas III Denpasar Utara
Abstract. In Indonesia Tuberculosis (TBC) is the number onekiller among infections deases and as the third in the regristation often (lO) highest deases in Indonesia.this cause almost one hundred thousand people died daily of the indonesia population. The destroying ofTBC is still difficult 10 be done,because it needs a long lime to over come this problem, in orderly it needs minimaly two years. Many of the pattiens are getting bored that difficultfor them to take medicine properly. The complication that often happening with TBC desease, among those are serious hemoptiseas. colaps lobus and pneumothorax. By the psycological suport and attention given by the family, thus straightly giving suport to the obidiency for taking medicine. The gool of overcoming TBC in the long term is to reduce the related chain of infectation, where the short term gool can achieve the recovery rate minimal 85% of all TBC pattiens with the positip. The strategy used for. is the directly observerd treatment short Couse (DOTS) or direct watching on dringking tablet by the family member or trained person. The statistical test result with chi-squre value as big as 7,66l with the significant value of chi-square test maller (a =0,05) wich is 3,84. Resulting that there is relationship wich is significant between the fungtion of psi co logical suport by the family to the obdiency ofTBC pattient to take medicine against tuberculosis.
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