Hubungan antara Asupan Kalsium dengan Tekanan Darah: Sebuah Studi pada Penduduk Indonesia Dewasa Berusia >-30 Tahun
The inverse association between daily calcium intakes and blood pressure: a study
in Indonesian adults age ;;. 30 years "
In Joglo 11 Sub-district Primary Health Center (PHC), hypertension was at the third rank of the leading cases in 2009. Published information on the association between daily calcium intakes and blood pressure in Indonesia are limited. This cross-sectional study was aimed to examine the association between daily calcium intakes and blood pressure at Joglo 11 Sub-district PHC. Data was collected on June 24-30, 2010, among 146 subjects, aged ~ 30 years, who were taking neither blood pressure lowering agents nor specific nutrition man¬agements, consecutively selected among peoples attending Joglo 11 PHC. Dietary informa¬tion was collected using semiquantitative food frequency questionnaires and the amount of daily calcium intakes were calculated using Nutrisurvey program. Blood pressures were measured using a manual sphygmomanometer according to the standard protocols. Statis¬tical analyses were performed using linear regression, Pearson correlation, and univariate General Linear Model (with Bonferroni correction). In 146 participants (median age 40,5 y; 69,9 % women) mean calcium intake was 722 mg/day and blood pressures were 122/77 mmHg. A higher daily calcium intake was associated with lower systolic (r = -0,51; P = O,OOO) and diastolic (r = -0,41; P = O.OOO) blood pressures, adjusted for age, sex, BMI, daily energy intake, and menopausal state. Partlcipants in the highest quartile category of calcium intake had lower blood pressures than those in the lowest quartile category (Sys¬tolic and diastolic mean difference: 12 mmHg, p = 0.004; 5 mmHg, p = 0.04, respectively). Higher daily calcium intakes may have a preventive role on hypertension.
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