Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi Ditinjau dari Aspek Gizi
The prevalence of Hypertension increase due to modern lifesyle, eating pattern, increasing of obesity and metabolic syndrome. Hypertension is thought to affect 1 billion people in the world' it is going to make a burden for the cost of therapy, besides the hypertension the risk to develop to cardiovasculer disease. Hypertension management shows that besides antihypertension drug, diet seems to be the best approach to reduced blood pressure such as low intake of salt.2 The Guideline from the US of Health Department has already given a successful result to reduce blood pressure. The DASH (Dietary Approach to stop hyper¬tension) eating plan recomend to consume high intake of vegetable and fruit, high intake of low fat milk and its product, choose a low fat and low cholesterol food and legumes, nuts, soya.' The DASH (Dietary Approach to stop hypertension) eating plan gives much Calsium, Kalium and Magnesium and a low Natrium diet. It is very important to make a strategy how to carry out the promotion of DASH eating plan to prevent and manage hypertension. It is also important energy restriction for obesity patient with hypertension, low intake of satu¬rated fatty acid and trans fatty acid.
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