Sitoglobin: Anggota Baru Keluarga Globin Vertebrata
Cytoglobin (Cygb) is a recently new member of globin family in vertebrate. The three other types of globins have been known such as hemoglobin (Hb), which transports oxygen in erythrocytes; myoglobin (Mb) which transports and stores oxygen in muscle tissue; and neuroglobin (Ngb) which is found in nerve tissue with function remain not well understood. The structure of Cygb showed similarities with the other globins protein. Both Cygb and Ngb are hexacoordinated globins, unlike Hb and Mb which are pentacoordinate globins. Al¬though the structure is already known, the function of Cygb is still unclear. It has been pro¬posed that Cygb play role in facilitation of oxygen diffusion; protecting cells aqainst oxida¬tive stress by scavenges reactive oxygen species, such as nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide, peroxynitrite; and oxygen supply for hydroxylation reaction of proline residues in collagen synthesis. Expression of Cygb is up-regulated ,in hypoxic condition via hypoxia-inducible factor-1a and is related with oxidative stress. Overexpression ofCygb in rat hepatic stellate cells protects liver tissue from fibrosis. Hypermethylation of promoter gene of Cygb related to carcinogenesis of esophagus and lung tissue, hence it is proposed that Cygb is a candi¬date of tumor suppressor protein. But, up-regulation of Cygb in glioblastoma multiforme is related with survival of the tumor cells.
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