Pendekatan Dokter Keluarga untuk Pasien dengan HIV-Aids
At present patients with HIV-AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune De-ficiency Syndrome) increased day by day, variation group age starting from foetus, baby, child, teenager, adult and elderly men and women. The problems are how the general practitioners/family doctors can contribute to do prevention, diaqnostic/scrinnmq and care the patients with HIV-AIDS. We knew when somebody infected by HIV it mean this person will become AIDS in several years (5 till> 10 years), this stage of HIV intectibn is often characterized by multi system disease and infections can occur in almost all body systems or cancers that will bring them to death. In this stage developed many promlems for the pa¬tient, family and their community. That is why the general practitioners/family doctors as a gate keeper should do the holistic diagnostic and comprehensive treatment to the patients with HIV-AIDS using Mandala of Health.( human ecosystem model) paradigm.
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