Determinan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Ibu Menyusui di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pasar Ambon Bandar Lampung
Abstract: Determinants Exclusife Breastfeeding Nursing Mothers in Pasar Ambon Puskesmas Bandar Lampung. In accordance with the appeal to the World Health Organization (WHO), recommended that mothers breastfeed Exclusive (breastfeeding only uritil the age of 6 months). The impact of exclusive breastfeeding is not given, may not be directly visible, but will be visible at a later date. Indonesia Demographic Health Survey results (2007), the coverage rate of 6 months exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia only 32.3%, still far from the average of the World, which is 38%. Currently the number of babies under 6 months who were given formula milk increased from 16.7% in 2002 to 27.9% in 2007. The research was conducted to determine the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding nursing mothers. This study uses cross sectional approach. The study population numbered 585 people with a sample •totaling 120 orang.Tehnik simple random sampling (simple random sampling). The collection of data by distributing questionnaires; analysis techniques used are univariate, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression with multiple statistical tests of predictive models. The results of 8 independent variables obtained by multivariate analysis of variables associated with exclusive breastfeeding the mother's nipple shape (P = 0.010. OR = 3.604), occupation (P = 0.011. OR = 3.512), knowledge (P = 0.021. OR '= 3.196), education (~= 0.026. OR = 0.351). Variables that are unrelated to age (P = 0.150. OR = 1.940), husband support (P = 0.110. OR =2.077).
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