Pengaruh Mobilisasi terhadap Pengurangan Respon Nyeri pada Pasien Pasca Sectio Caesarea di Rumah Sakit Advent Bandar Lampung Tahun 2009
Abstract: Tbe Effect Mobilization on Reducing Paint Res pons for Post Caesarea Sectio in Bandar Lampung Advent Hospitals. Sectio surgery Caesarea, which is an action to remove the baby from the womb of the mother by making incisions in the abdomen and the mother's womb. Caesarea sectio surgery in 2007 at the Advent Hospital (RSA) Bandar Lampung is 107 people or 54.9% of total deliveries, whereas in hospitals Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province the figure was 476 people in 2008, in Bandar Lampung RSA action Caesarea sectio increased to 117 or 55.7% of total deliveries, whereas in hospitals Abdul Moeloek Lampung Province to 556 people. Complications that may arise post sectio Caesarea is intrapartum infection, bleeding, other complications such as bladder injury or pulmonary embolism and uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancies. One effort to reduce postoperative complications is to perform early postoperative mobilization, but in implementing the early postoperative mobilization of the problems often encountered is pain. Based on the above description of this study to determine the effect of mobilization on reducing the pain response. This study uses a cohort study design, data collection tool used observation sheet pain scale mobilization and NSR (Numeric Rating Scale). Population in this study were patients with post-surgery sectio Caesarea. The research sample used non random sampling technique that is acidental sampling, and obtained 35 samples with the details of22 respondents who perform postoperative mobilization and the 13 people who did not perform postoperative early mobilization. Having performed the statistical analysis of obtained results a significant difference in the reduction of pain responses among postoperative patients who mobilized early with patients who did not perform postoperative early mobilization with a value of p value 0.0002. Based on these findings, it is recommended to the nurse or midwife related to patients with post sectio Caesarea Caesarea to motivate patients to mobilize early as early as possible in order to minimize the occurrence of postoperative complications sectio Caesarea .
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