Pengendalian Kadar Glukosa Darah Penderita DM Tipe II dengan Latihan Jasmani di Rumah Sakit Advent Bandar Lampung
Abstract: Control Blood Glucose Patient Type IT DM with Fhysical Training in Advent
Hospital Bandar Lampung, To control for type• II OM, there must be a balance between the basic principles of treatment, . namely planning of food, medicine and exercise (physical training). To avoid insulin resistance should be paramount in ways non-pharmacological first instance with diet and physical exercise. This study aims to determine the effect of physical exercise to control blood glucose levels in type n DM patients Bandar Lampung Advent Hospital. The study design is pre-experiment with Pre and Post Test One Group. Population of-type II OM patients who are registered as members of. the club Adventist Hospital Diabetes in Bandar Lampung and a sample of 100 people who meet the criteria: as many as 59 people. Statistical analysis using the dependent t test. The results obtained by the average
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blood glucose levels before physical exercise is 204.27, the average blood glucose levels
after physical exercise is 203.85,• the average decrease in blood glucose levels before and after physical exercise was 7.4 points and from t test results can be concluded that physical exercise had no effect on blood glucose control of type U OM patients.
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