Human-Lekukocyte Antigen Typing in Javamese Patients Recurrent Apththous Stomatitis
Background: Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a common oral disorder that despite extensive researches, the eria/oXy ofthis phenomenon is still IIl/kn(JI1'/I Because this phenomenon has been observed more often ill families than in indil'idllal cases, genetic i/~/luellct! has been investigated ill most researches", Purpose: The aim (~r study was to evaluate the ass(lciatioll between human teukocvte antigen (NLA) and RAS in Javanese mort: precisely. Method: The analysis (!f HLA~A. and HLA-B in X5 Javanese RAS patients and 71 heatthy control subjects. were performed hy using the standard NIH microlymlwcytol()xicily technique. tmmunohistachernistrv )I-as performed for identification nf HLA-DR and HLA- DQ antigen using IJ/olloclol1ul antibodies anti HLA-DR and DQ_ Result: Our result ;el'ealed a close association between HLA.-A9 and HLA-B35 RAS subject. A significant increase ill the [requencv of sO/lie wlIigells such as HLA-A9 (72.94%, p < O.05:RR ::::: 2.21). HL4-A24 (f)5.R2%:
RR ::::: 1,24) and HLA-BJ5 in subjects with HAS \I'US observed. Analysis with Immunohistochemistry HLA-DR. HLA-DQ IJ expressed 011 the surface of epithelia! cells mrmbrane (!f orat II1I1CO,\'(J and macraphages in both major and minor HAS pu{ienl.\-, Conclusion: HLA antigens are invatved in susceptibititv /0 RAS and the phenotypes were difference with other previous studies. HLA¬linked geneticfactors may play a role inthe development arRAS
Kcy words: Human te
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