Tissue Anginered bone as an Alternative For Repairing Bone Detects
Background: Dentist speciutly orat surgeon, arejrequenttv [aced with detect in bone n:resulting disease ar trauma Ihe detect is small, if wittjrequentlv has u good ht!lllillg. however, (rrlie defect is larger, inccnnptete regeneration often occurs and a)ihroll.\surgery r results. Transptcnnotu III (~rallr(JReJ/llll.\ hi lIIe has been I)/It! (!(1he mostfrequent pn «edu re.\' / ~r rt;'1 'O/l st nu 'l il ',' orat and IIwxil I, n;« ';a/ ,llIrgery bccouse it tias .\'11011"// excettent clinical SIICCI!.I.\".• 1/011 t::\'o::"r, (,W10gf'IIOIlS hattr gra[iing is 1~1/
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