Relationship Between Trauma Mechanism and Etiology on Mandibular Fracture Patterns
Background: Mandibular fracture OCClIrs more COIl1IJWllly than maxillaryfracture because of its prominent position and its WT(j\I' arch like bone anatomy. Manyfactors may cause mandibular fracture. Motorcycle accident is the main euologv ofmandibularfracture ill the world Based on the literature, 43% mandibularfractures are caused by motorcvcle accident, 34c% hy "jlllellce. 7% hv accident at work, 7%0 bvjotl. 4% bv sports and the others were caused hy various things. Purpose: The 1'111710.1'1' or,his studv l1'as 10 knovv the relation between the etiologv and mechanisms oftrauma and the {)(111emS ofmandibulartracture at Hasan Sadikin Hospitul. BOJl(/ul1g, Film Januarv 200ti to October 2007, Method: The studv \Vas taken on patients with mandibularfractures who come 10 /-Ia.I{/II Sadikin Hospital Bandung, The data were taken retrospectively hy documenting the etiolagies or mandibular [racturr. the mechanisms or fracture, and the location or mandibularfracture. The data were analysed with Chi Square statistic 11'.1'1. Result: The result showed that There lI'ere H3 mandibularfractures. The mandibularfracture more COIl1IJ1/1I1/" attacks men a/mill 77%, and 1\'()/I1ell about 22, yo,;,." Mandibularfracture occurs more often between the age group ofZ J -30 years old, ahout 31 people (37.3%), Mandihularfracture lI'as /1111.1'111',1 often caused bv motorcycle accident, affecting about 7 J people (85,5%). Parasvmphvsisfracture is the most commonfracture location among mandibularfracture cases, about 47 people (56.6%), Conclusion: II call he concluded that there is 110 signilicanl relationship between the etiology and mechanisms oftrauma and the pattern ojmandibularfracture.
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