Pengaruh General Reaction Score terhadap Kadar Kortisol Darah pada Wanita yang Terpapar Bising Pesajavascript:%20openHTMLpop('/otomasi/admin/modules/bibliography/pop_item.php?inPopUp=true&action=detail&biblioID=30514',%20650,%20400,%20'Eksemplar/Kopi')wat Udara di Sekitar Bandara Adi Sumarno Boyolali (Effect of the General Reaction Score on Cortisol Circulating Levels in Owmen Exposed to Aircrafi Noise in the Adjacent Area of Adi Sumarno Airport Boyolali)
Exposure to noise constitures a health risk. There is sufficient scientific evidence that aircaft noise exposure can induce varoius disorders, such as hearing impairment, hypertension and ischemic heart disease, annoyance, sleep dsiturbance, and decreased school performance. This study aimed to examine the effect of the general reaction score on cortisol circulating levels of women with aircraft noise exposure in the area of Adi Sumarno Airport of Boyolali. This was an analytical cross sectional study, conducted at the Dibal and Gagak Sipat vilage, Ngemplak Sub district, Boyolali Central Java. The study was conducted from July 2008 to Juni 2009. The sample Sub district, Boyolai Central Java. The studi was conducted at the Dibal and agak Sipat Village, The sample of 39 people was selected at random, divided into 3 group: Group 1 was exposed 92.29dB noise level (13 people), Group 2 was exposed 71.79 dB noise level (13 people), and Group 3 was exposedto 52.17 dB noise level (13 people). The data were analyzed by Pearson Corrrelation and Kruskal Wallis followed by Pair wise test. Kruskal Wallis test showed that there was a significant difference in cortisol circulating levels statistically in the groups (p=0.018). Pearson corelation showed a positive association between general reaction score iduced by aircraft noise exposure and circulating levels of cortisol (r=0.47; p=0.02). There is a significant effect of the general reaction score on cortisol circulating levels in the adjacent area.
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