Pengaruh Logoterapi terhadap Hipertensi pada Pasien Lanjut Usia (Effect of Logo Therapy in Hypertension in the Elderly)
Behavior cognitive and relaxation types of [sychoterapy have been proven effective for treatment of patients with somatic disturbance. However, research into the benefit of logotherapy (LGT) is lacking. Acceptance of conditons gives better meaning of life and psychological approach helps enhance the patient’s coping ability creates balance in the nervous system regulation, HPA axis, innate component, and adaptive immunity system. It inturn will bring, about the change in the patient’s blood pressure. This study is aimed to determine the effectiveness of logotherapy on reducing hypertension among elderly patients. This study used pre and posttest with control group quasi experimental design, conducted from July to October 2008. The study subjects were purposively sampled from members of PWRI (Association of the Elderly of the Republik of Indonesia) in Urutsewu Ampel Boyolai, Central Java, who met criteria for inclusion. Reiester quicksiver sphygmoamanometer and eister sterthoscope were used for measuring blood pressure. T-test was used to test the meam difference in the reduction of blood pressure. The analysis was run by spss was used to test the mean difference in the reduction of blood pressure. The analysis was run by SPSS version 15.0 program. The was statistically significant difference in the reduction of systolic blood pressure (p
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