Hubungan Antara KadarVascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1) dan Rowayat Berat Badan Lahir Rendah pada Anak Usia 16-18 Tahun (The Association Between Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and low Birth Weight in Childer 15-18 years of Age)
Children with history of low birth weight have the risk of atherosclerosis intheir future vasculer cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCM-1) is a group of immunoglobulin adhesion molecules, a receptor protein to marginalization process and process and mononucler leukocytes movement along the endotholium. VCAM-1 is an early maker of atherosclerosis which can be detected at an early age. This study aimed to analyzed the relationship between levels of VCAM-1 and history of low birth weight among children aged 15-18 years ols. A historical cohort study was conducted to senior high school students in Surakarta in July 2010. A Sample of students aged 15-18 years were selected by fixed exposure sampling. The data were analyzed by mann-whitney test and multiple linear regression analysis. Of700 students, 9 students had a history of low birth weight. With the 1:3 ratio obtained, the total/study subjects were 28 children with history of low birth weight had VCAM-1 mean level of 224-6 ng/ml higher than those with normal weight (b=224.6, p
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