The Difference Patter of Temperature Increasing of Biological and Non-Biological Material Exposed to Far-Infrared Raya
Low power of fat – Infrared Raya (FIR) amitted by artificial radiators have been used for many diseases associated with blood vessela disorder. FIR also used to regulate temperature in Incubator for infant. This study aims at exploring correlation pattern between FIR and temperature, producing a biological simulator model from a non-biological material for further research can be initiated. Differentiation factors between biological and non-biological material that exposed to FIR also could be determined. Aradiant far-infrared type T-FSR was placed 20 cm above the objects (umbilicus and gel). Then both surface and inside temperature of the objects measured continuously using. Thermistor series D-So6 and series D-RB2. Room Humidity maintained at constant levels (60%). This study found a significant correlation between FIR and temperature increasing both on the umbillcus and on the gel. Influence of FIR intensity on temperature can be formulated into the formula: T-umb-U1=27.6+0.00554 FIR and T-umb U2=27.8+0.00560 FIR, while on the gel were T-gel-UI=24.9+0.00430 FIR T-gel-U2=26.0+0.00428 FIR. The increasing temperature on the umbillicus due to FIR followed a sigmoid curve pattern. While on the gel, followed an exponetial pattern. For further research, a non biological maternal (synthetic) can be manipulated, composed, and designed to produce the same pattern as biological material when exposed to FIR.
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