Tinjauan Asupan Zat Besi, Protein dan Defisiensi Besi di Puskesmas Mlati II Sleman
Prevalence of enemia in pregnant mother was still high, in province of Yogyakarta was 30,13%m while in distric Sleman was higher (43,90%). Deficiency of nutrient intake was the cause of anemia. To investigated the nutrition intake f iron, protein and vitamin C in pregnant mother with anemia in Puskesmas Miati II Sleman. This research was observational study with cross sectional design. The sample was done by purposif sampling and 43 pregnant women involved in this study. The data of hemoglobin level was collected by Cynmthemoglobin and intake was colected by recall 3 x 24 hours, and then analyzed descriptively. The average of Hb level was 10.07 mg/dl, and 95.35% of pregnant mother were mild anemia. The subject had deficit of iron, protein and vitamin C intake, that were 93%, 72% and 91%.
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